Checking the streaming quality will provide users with a new experience to safely watch any high-quality content without interruption.ĭuring the test, the user can change the quality of the video or movie, and the internet speed required will be higher if the user watches in 4K HD. Users can choose any server or website they need from the application, start streaming, and give them the best options possible. The convenient thing about the application is that it helps users test internet speed for online streaming services. Not only that, but the ability to measure speed is also perfectly optimized, giving users more discoveries about how ping works and how to reduce them for the best user experience. They can also access games and test their speed, useful information for users to know the latency from their online games. The internet speed measurement feature also lets users know the ping level of some locations. Moreover, it can measure the speed of Wi-Fi or mobile data and many valuable parameters for users. Its ability to measure speed is also done quickly, even with many attractive services to optimize the connection or give accurate results. The core function of Speedtest is for users to test their internet speed, and at the same time, compare it with other speeds over certain distances. Of course, it also comes with extensive customization to improve performance significantly. Moreover, the mobile platform is considered the most outstanding and impressive when it integrates with many new tools and features, allowing users to check, connect, and search all internet sources around them. Is a famous internet speed test application for all different platforms because of its superiority and versatility that users can use anytime, anywhere.